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Paul Starbuck

Career Development Plan

What's your career development plan looking like for the New Year?

So many people are hitting speed bumps in their careers right now. Some of these speed bumps are more like brick walls and many people feel like their careers have gone over a cliff. You are not alone - I know how you feel! - And here’s what I learned - every time it happened; I had a choice. I could complain and whine and feel like my whole world was crashing in on me. Or I could learn and grow and come back better, stronger and wiser.

As your coach I will help you make the right decisions faster and with more confidence so next time you go over a cliff you will know you can fly!!

We can support you with outplacement, career transition and moving in to more of a portfolio career compromising of non-executive directors roles, consulting and coaching amongst other work activities. We have extensive experience in supporting leaders successfully move from one career in to their new career, supporting the executive career ambitions.

With our extensive business, career and coaching experience, how can we help you fly?

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